Reiki is a complimentary modality, and in general, improves the results of traditional medical treatments. Benefits include a reduction of side effects, accelerated healing time, stress reduction, better sleep, reduced blood pressure, and an increase in optimism.
The effects of Reiki vary from person to person, and from session to session. In general, Reiki energy will flow to the area where the body most needs the healing energy. This is not always the place where the most obvious symptoms are displayed.
Documentation of the benefits of Reiki has begun in hospitals, where patients receive pre-operative, and post-operative Reiki given during their hospital stay. Reports from these hospitals indicate that their patients, who receive in-hospital Reiki, experience less pain, and shorter hospital stays, than their patients who do not receive in-hospital Reiki.
To book a Reiki session or a Reiki class contact Jeannette at,